How to work with us
The Axis 3 Architects Design Philosophy
Our firm employs and promotes creative and realistic solutions based upon the following:
- It is our intent and primary focus to service the needs of our clients with respect to functional, creative and aesthetic design needs and requirements with realistic project scope, budget and schedule.
- Through the continual advancement of architectural practices, it is our intent to incorporate the latest “state of the art” 3D imagery technology to create and compose our architectural projects.
- By implementing 3D design technology, it allows the design process to best serve the client’s needs to better understand, view and critique design requirements and progress during the various design phases.
- We encourage the development of sustainable technology methods such as “green” architecture.
- We provide complete and accurate architectural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing documents to enhance the approval process by the local planning and building department review and approval agencies, and reduce the risk of potential changes during construction.
- We believe that city and county jurisdictional requirements are intended to enhance our communities regarding safety and health. Thus, it is our intent as architects to understand and comply with all ordinances, planning and building department requirements and to assist our clients in successfully navigating these mandates to obtain appropriate approvals for construction of each project.
- It is our primary goal to achieve the most practical and appealing result for each client needs.
How to work with our architectural firm
The Architectural Design Process
Step One
- Once an Owner has determined the potential need of an architect, a “no fee” initial meeting at the proposed site or existing facility is scheduled between the Owner and Architect to fully comprehend the characteristics of the project, scope, preliminary budget, feasibility and overall intent of the Owner.
- Site considerations will be discussed including size and configuration of property, existing elements such as buildings, trees/rocks, topography, possible future building orientation, site grading potential, soil conditions and existing soil reports and the need of a civil engineer if grading of the site is anticipated.
Note, if the terrain of the site is not flat and has moderate to severe slope, a topography of the existing land will be required to fully analyze the appropriate design options.
- Existing or required utilities that may require percolation studies for future septic systems, sewer availability, access to all utilities such as water, gas, and electric service.
- Primary topics include basic owner requirements of the proposed home and garage, access to the proposed building location, possible easements and restrictions such as CCR`s or Home Owner Association
- Overall design process and schedule including overall fee structure regarding architect, engineer and civil engineer as required. An overview of architectural services and defining the tasks and scope of the project, including local jurisdiction reviewing agency requirements.
- An opportunity to meet in person (Owner and Architect) to better understand each other’s desires, goals and determine the design team compatibility.
- Note, the initial site meeting between the owner and architect is not intended to be a “sales pitch with contract in hand”, but rather an informal gathering to provide to the owner valuable information regarding the site which is being considered, the overall process of design, preliminary budget and schedule and the selection of an architect who is best suited for the Owner`s needs. Once the “site walk” has been completed, the architect selection process can commence at a time best suited by the owner.

Step Two
Pre-Design – (Program):
Prior to the actual design of the project, various factors will need to be gathered by the Owner and Architect. This information relates to the proposed scope of the project, which includes site requirements, (on and offsite) utilities, roadway access, topographical data, property size and location, and any legal property constraints, and will also include specific information relating to the proposed building size, use and function.
Choosing and meeting the architect at “Second Meeting”
Based upon the information gathered from the “initial site walk” between the owner and architect, the owner may then proceed with the selection of the preferred architect at which time a second meeting is scheduled. This meeting is called the “Design Questionnaire Meeting” and includes a list of questions that encompasses approximately four to six-hours of discussions at the owner’s home and at the chosen site. The meeting entail a “step by step” process regarding owner specific functional needs of the overall design of the residence.
It is very important to understand that no floor plans are required at this meeting, instead the discussions are centered upon the functionality and flow of each of the spaces required, sizes of each space, adjacency requirements, including exterior and interior view orientation and prioritization. The Design Questionnaire is intended to seek valuable information directly from the owner and is documented by the Architect as “Pre-Design” data that will be later utilized to formulate not one but various floor plan versions for any given site condition.
Meet the Architect in the video below
Step Three
Once the design questionnaire data has been gathered, the architect will then proceed with producing three to four floor plan options that will be presented to the owner as the initial “Schematic” floor plan suggestions.
The Architect commences the initial design with the development of the schematic or preliminary floor plans with the intent to discover “various” options that may be possible. This process is for refining the options to a preferred floor plan that satisfies all basic design considerations. In addition to floor plan layout, the architect will also provide a preliminary roof plan reflecting the desired floor plan and a schematic site plan indicating the approximate position and orientation of the proposed residence. At this juncture, the overall floor plan has been developed indicating the gross square footage of living area, possible patios and or decks, garage areas, room sizes and locations, including windows and doors and kitchen layout. Upon the approval by the owner these items, the design process is then ready to proceed to the next phase. At this juncture, the initial “Design Fee” and services have been completed based upon a flat fee agreement.
Design Development.
This following phases is also established as a “Flat Fee” based upon the overall design and scope of the project, that includes all architectural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing drawings, energy calculations, structural engineering design and submittal to local building authorities and Home Owner Associations, if applicable.

Step Four
Upon successfully completing the initial design phase, the Design Team, with Owner participation, defines and develops the (3D) three-dimensional modeling of site configuration and proposed floor plan/building indicating the overall shape, configuration, color and characteristics of the project. The development and refinement of the visual “3D” animated “fly by and walk thru” will further assist the Owner`s awareness and understanding of the scope and details of the Project prior to construction.
As the design is developed, various aspects of the project utilizing “3D” modeling can be viewed, upon request by the Owner, via Axis3Architects PC. Dropbox and in office presentations. Owner response and comments can be accomplished by e-mail, phone or at the Architect office. The process allows convenient dialog, ease of design flexibility and changes as needed for design compliance during this phase. As the 3D modeling progresses, the architect will meet with owner to review and discuss its development of the computer-generated floor plan and obtain recommended changes as required to satisfy the overall design intent. The goal is to provide to the owner a well-defined “model” of the proposed project, (house and site), that can be easily understood visually by all participants from any perspective. Once the 3D modeling has been completed and approved, the architectural services can proceed into the “Construction Document” phase.

Step Five
This phase provides the backbone of “technical” drawings that include the communication between Owner, Architect and “Consultants”, i.e. structural, mechanical, electrical, special systems, landscape and civil engineering, representing the drawings that is required by the local planning and or building and safety department authorities to obtain building construction permit.
These documents include various detailed drawings that represent such items as site plan, floor plans, elevations, roof plan, reflected ceiling plans, building sections, structural foundation and framing plans, details, and mechanical, electrical and plumbing and energy efficiency required data. It is our intent to ensure design satisfaction and understanding of the Project by way of discussions and visual interaction during the development and completion of the “construction documents”. We also encourage general contractor involvement and possible selection during the design phase of the project to better establish a realistic probable cost of construction well before the completion of this phase.
It is our belief that if an Owner obtains a better understanding of the design process through visual interpretations, fewer changes may occur during construction thus saving significant time, money and aggravation due to change orders requested while under construction.
Quality Assurance – QA
During the Construction Document Phase, an “in house” plan check review of the construction documents will be performed for quality assurance. All recommendations and corrections issued by the local building and planning department are incorporated into the documents to ensure compliance to all local and State code requirements. It is our intent to provide complete and accurate documents, and have experienced “first hand” that it has a direct impact upon accurate and timely bid responses and bid results.
Jurisdictional Approval
As with each City or County jurisdictional review agency, the intent is to protect the public with respect to structural integrity, including fire and life safety. Therefore, it is the responsibility and commitment of the Design Team to ensure that all required construction documents meet current code requirements.
It is our desire to fully cooperate with each jurisdiction that has review/approval authority over each project. As each project is reviewed by the local building jurisdiction for approval for construction, we provide complete and accurate information for purposes of properly executing the construction of your project. This “review and approval process” is accomplished in concert with the Owners participation. It is the Architects responsibility to act as the liaison between the Owner and reviewing agency to successfully obtain the necessary approval documents.
Bidding Services: As Additional Services upon request by the Owner
Axis 3 Architects may provide consultation to the Owner and coordinate the bidding process between the Owner and General Contractors. This service includes pre-bid meetings and job site walk with General Contractors and Owner. In addition, our office may provide, upon the request of the Owner, distribution of all contract documents to interested bidders, including obtaining bid documents for final review and selection.
During the bid phase, the Architect may formally accept questions from the bidders to formally clarify or answer questions relating to the bid documents for construction.
Upon receiving bids, the Architect may provide the Owner with consultation in reviewing the bids and verify as to the scope of work described by the contract documents. The Architect may assist the Owner in selecting the General Contractor, and assist in preparation of bonds, insurance, and funding requirements as needed.
Construction Administration Services
Axis 3 Architects may provide services during construction including review of the work performed by the General Contractor for conformance to the approved contract documents, as additional services as requested by the Owner
Through the years of witnessing and studying the completion of our projects, it has been found that our most successful accomplishments in architecture have been realized by following each of these steps of the Design Process. Our goal is to create architecture that we can be proud of and enrich the lives of our clients and the community in which we choose to build, develop and live.